Changes since ver. 0.5 ----------------------- - added: *GUI-pics handling - decrunching the now crunched gui to RAM: by calling C:lha - load all pics from RAM: - delete the gui-dir from RAM: again, because it is not longer needed (This increases the loading speed very much, because reading files from RAM: is very much faster, than from harddisk.) *List-Editor # if in "Wand"-mode: # value of the selected item can be in-/decreased with arrow up/down # jump to the previous/next value in the selected event with arrow left/right # moving to the next/previous event with SHIFT & arrow down/up the list scrolls automatically *Song-Construction window *Media-Madness window #colorized tracknames, like in Main window (Track-window) #automaticaly update of the tracknames in all 3 windows, if in one of the 3 windows trackname is changed - altered: *normal Editor #Editor-Menu ->Repeat: #Editor-Menu ->Display->Controller#: gadget initialzed with 0, not activated at start, added replace-mode #Editor-Menu ->Prefs->Drag with Pencil (if selected) Selected note is now moveable with arrow-keys in all 4 directions. When left or right arrowkey is pressed, the moving width depends on the selection in Editor-Menu ->Prefs->Lock Time To ... . Up and down arrows are moving the note always by a semi-tone. *Main window #Main-Menu ->Goto: gadget not activated at start, added: - hotkey for activation, - OK-gadget for confirmation, - replace-mode #Main-Menu ->Prefs->Autosave: added: - autosavetimer is reseted, when the user saves the song manually - if a editwindow is open, the depending track is updated with the current edit, before the autosave is done. - fixed #Main-Menu ->Edit->Mix->Up to the End of the Clip now works again #Editor-Menu ->Edit->Mix->Up to the End of the Clip now works again #Editor when transport has stopped on right window border, updating was not working. This have had a effect to: - Play-Stop button in editor - activating the correct (previous) state of the solo/mute/all-button in the track-window. Sometimes, after closing the editwindow, the edited track, was playing in solo-mode (especially, when the "Play All Tracks" wasn't choosen in the Editor-Menu ->Prefs). Only after, saving and reloading the song, the "normal" state was "rebuilded". #List-Editor - window-dragbar is now propper drawen, when window first opens window is not longer deactivated after a popupmenu was closed #TempoMap-Editor - Menu ->Edit->Shift->Range now works # tool drag&drop, when tempo was low (The tool must be holded over the target-point up to 4 seconds before releasing, otherwise the tool wasn't created - [visible in track]) # doubleclick on tools or tracks (doesn't work proper before) - reworked # all MIDI-Tools, to enable, that up to 8 different clusters (MIDI-Interfaces) are useable with 16 different ports. This results in a theoretical total number of (8x16x16 = ) 2048 separate MIDI-channels. For that it was neccessary to compile (8x16 =)128 MIDIIn- and 128 MIDIOutTools. Each Tool saves it's clustername in a file in ENVARC:BnP/toolenv/ - working on free provided code by Michael Rees (this is a big provided archive of the whole - complete -work M.Rees has done from 1989 - 1997; incredible, innovative and with a real big worth, as a gift to the BnP-community) 2 linklibraries, which are providing any additional functions and features, which are making the life of a Tool/Accessory-programmer somewhat easier. - BPLib (compiled for OS4 02.01.2006) - ConfigLib (compiled for OS4 11.01.2006) a couple of tools (date is the time of conversion to OS4) * Bypass + Chooper (01.01.06) * Crossfade + Curves + DurationFilter (02.01.06) * DensityFilter + Detectrol (09.01.06) * DurRand + Keyolator (11.01.06) * LockInKey (13.01.06) Unfortunately, not all of this tools have at this time a manual. - new CAMD-USB-MIDI drivers # Many thanks to Lyle Hazelwood, These new drivers are allowing the use of multiple USB-MIDIInterfaces(CAMD-Clusters). They are best working together with the new MIDI-Tools.