Mail von Todor Fay
Dear Alfred,
Feel free to put all the Blue Ribbon Amiga products on your website, including Rules For Tools.
Unfortunately, we can not provide the source code.
Send me a pointer to your website when it is up, I'd enjoy looking at it!
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2000 2:48 AM
To: Todor Fay
Subject: Re: Last try to contact the developer of Bars&Pipes
Dear Mr. Fay,
short time ago I wrote you with a question about the "Rules for Tools" - Bars&Pipes.
You had friedly answered me.
That pluck up me courage to ask you another question.
I'm planning to make my own homepage. The main part of this site shall be:
Bars&Pipes and music with AMIGA.
It's near 5 years ago (isn't it) the Blue Ribbon Inc. was overtaken by Microsoft.
I thought (a little naivly - shure), it could be a reason to get the permission, to put the programm at my homepage for downloading free.
I'm a registered user of Bars&Pipes2.5 and SuperJAM!1.1 for AMIGA, and I know that the program was at downloadable free for compuserve members.
- this multimedia-sequencer is (for my meaning) up to now always the best one for AMIGA computers (I know there are some others ...)
- with the plug-in possibility of writing tools and accessories it is near unlimittited "updateable"
- I've found only a very small numbers of Bars&Pipes-sites on the net
I'll ask you:
Can I get the permission to put:
- Bars&Pipes 2.5 (with all available Tools)
- SuperJAM1.1 (with all available Styles)
- Rules for Tools (in the state of my use)
- The PatchMeister (in original state)
- Inovatools1 (in the state I've made it to use it with OS 3.1)
to my planned homepage for FREE download.
The second question I have (not for download):
Is there any possibility to get the sourcecode of Bars&Pipes2.5( - please don't beat me - I hope, I'm not to imputend)?
I'm not a hardline-user of AMIGA, I know - this is a system that had his time ... but I think, making music with AMIGA and Bars&Pipes and a good MIDI-equipment is easier _for
nonprofessionals_ like other hard-software-systems (I know - today are some suuuper-systems at the market.).
A vision of mine is to develop this program further, and give it under AFD-Lizens as Freeware to Public, in the way like Inovatronics has given the DirOpus4 to Public.
It can't be, that such a fantastic program will disappear to Nirwana.
It's equal, like you think about me, and like your answer will be.
I would very enjoyed, if you give me any answer.
and greatings
Alfred Faust
D-34639 Schwarzenborn