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Rules for Tools/EmbossOn()

     void EmbossOn(struct Window *window, short id, short command)

     To Emboss an existing gadget, call `EmbossOn()'.  Pass it the
     window and the GadgetID of the gadget to emboss.  Also, pass it a
     command, indicating how to emboss it.  There are several choices:
       1. Create an Embossed border, but no alternate border for
          selection (the gadget won't click down.)

       2. Create an Embossed border with an alternate select border
          that has the highlights reversed.  This is the most common
          use of `EmbossOn()'.

       3. Create an Embossed border with the highlights reversed and no
          select border.  This creates a border that is permanently

       4. Draw a line under the gadget and the preceding IntuiText
          structure, if it exists.  This is specifically for
          underlining string gadgets.

       5. Create an Embossed border with a select border and an arrow
          pointing left (for clicking proportional gadgets.)

       6. Create an Embossed border with a select border and an arrow
          pointing right (for clicking proportional gadgets.)

       7. Create an Embossed border with a select border and an arrow
          pointing up (for clicking proportional gadgets.)

       8. Create an Embossed border with a select border and an arrow
          pointing down (for clicking proportional gadgets.)
          First, when you create your gadget, you should initialise it
     to be borderless with only an IntuiText string to identify the
     gadget.  Make the text the blue pen color, JAM1.

     See EmbossOff().