Rules for Tools/About
About this guide
This AmigaGuide describes the "Rule For Tools" published by:
Blue Ribbon Soundworks, Ltd.
Venture Center
1605 Chantilly Drive, Suite 200
Atlanta, GA 30324
Voice: (404) 315-0212
FAX: (404) 315-0213
BBS: (404) 315-0211
This AmigaGuide has been compiled by:
LeRoy Michaelson
910 Ashwood Drive
Madison, AL 35758
If this has been useful, donations would be appreciated.
Comments and suggestions are also appreciated.
Version: Last modified on 6/23/94.
`edit.h' and `notate.h' added by kelly craven 7/12/94.
Converted to texinfo form by Richard Hagen, September 1997.
Added the Inovatools1 Routine description by Alfred Faust 1999.
All addresses and telephonnumbers are obsolete (A.Faust 02/20/2002).